Does Consciousness Exist Apart from the Brain?

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A Southern California financial executive, Brent Fouch leads Black Ice Advisors, LLC, where he provides capital-raising solutions to publicly traded companies. Possessing a strong interest in the how the mind works, Brent Fouch authored “Conscious Exploration for the Advanced Soul.”

In this piece, he explores an out of body experience in which his consciousness had acute awareness of being downstairs in the kitchen while his physical self was upstairs in bed. This astral projection experience while wearing a sleep mask that blinks during REM cycles provided evidence to him that one’s consciousness can exist apart from the physical location of one’s brain.

This type of experience has been studied through decades of research by neuropsychiatrist Dr. Peter Fenwick, who is particularly focused on near-death experiences. His findings support the idea that consciousness does not simply exist in the living brain.

According to Dr. Fenwick, the brain is not the creator of consciousness, but rather a filter of it. From this perspective, consciousness persists even after death, as it is an independent property inherent in the universe itself and is not dependent on the brain’s existence.

Each person’s brain filters and perceives a minutely small portion of the intrinsic “consciousness” the cosmos presents. This is similar to how the eye filters light to create impulses that the brain translates into images, but this visual stimulus is only a tiny part of the electromagnetic spectrum and is restricted to energetic wavelengths that correspond with visible light. Dr. Fenwick further posits that one’s consciousness tricks the brain into finding a false duality between the self and the other, when there is actually a unified consciousness that transcends the physical plane.

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